Minggu, 19 Mei 2013
Bila pola pembangunan tidak dilakukan perubahan , perbaikan dan penataan serta perencanaan yang terpadu, maka dapat dipastikan bangsa Indonesia akan semakin kehilangan Sumber Daya Alam "Human Resources", negara yang dikenal memiliki sumber daya alam yang kaya , tetapi tidak mampu dinikmati oleh sebagian besar rakyatnya.Justru dampaknya yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat , akibat pembabatan hutan secara besar-besaran pada era pembakaran liar "ilegal loging",setelah hutan makin kritis ,akibat pembabatan hutan untuk kepentingan ekonomi,antara lain pembukaaan usaha perkebunan,hutan tanaman indusrti dan pertambangan.Sehingga tidak bisa dihindarkan dimana-mana Bumi tersa semakin panas,dan perubahan iklim terjadi akibat pembakaran minyk bumi dan batubara yang naik ke udara bebas membentuk "selimut"yang membalut Bumi.
Sinar matahari yang menghangatkan Bumi,panas bumi yang dihasilkan dari sinar matahari yang harusnya naik ke udara bebas dan"terkurung",sehingga menaikkan suhu Bumi , dan panas Bumi ini mengubah iklim yang akhirnya mempengaruhi kehidupan yang ada di darat dan di laut , kemudian suhu udara terasa semakin panas.
Rabu, 15 Mei 2013
First LOve
First Love ..the reason why me think first love is beautiful is not because people we first loved were actually handsome and pretty.It's because we were unconditional innocent ,or a bit stupid at the name of first love and because we know that we can never go back to that young , passionate time of our days .First Love is a bit rash . Without any calculation we throw ourselves with passion and finally come to face failure .But it is the same time dramatic. It comes with inexplicable feelings that we never go to experience again .So first love becomes the most dramatic moments of our lives.It's okay to fail .Tragic stories longer than happily ever after.It's nice to have that wonderful story as one chapter of one's life.First love is a period of time it never comes back if the next love comes time has to yield for that new love.It might be as innocent as the first love.But it would be a little more mature,due to the pain suffered with the first love .A person who dreams of love , is the one who waits and a person who waits can recognize the love when it comes near him .After the romance , the real comes in innocence gets dirty , passion gets cold , and youth gets old with cleverness so first love becomes part of one's exhausted daily life.That's why first love looks like it can't be accomplished because no one talks about a successful romance with first love.Thus , it's okay to be like this , even though there isn't a tragic drama in my life.but the is familiarity like an old sweater and if it gets tired there is an excitement to reopen it .
Minggu, 12 Mei 2013
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